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The Roaster's Perspective

The Beginning

I was born in Mexico City to Cuban parents. I lived in Havana, Caracas, Houston, Miami, Orlando and Dallas, where I have resided for over 20 years. I escaped communism during my younger years and am proud to say I reside in Dallas, Texas. I went to the University of Havana and obtained a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. I have four children who are an important part of my pride, dedication, and drive. Being a father is a core part of who I am. I always had the vision and perseverance to put them on their way to studies, and that they have. They are all graduated with degrees from UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) and the oldest at a university in Venezuela.

Hi, my name is Bardo,
I am a coffee roaster

The Idea

Being retired for more than 6 years, in September 2021, I thought I would prefer to occupy my time with something that put effort, dedication and above all: passion.


Drinking coffee for me was always a unique event. It was prominent in casual and formal settings, with family and socially. I like familiar flavors of coffee, as well as new flavors, and I am always searching for new flavors to try. Drinking coffee is always something I have enjoyed, and over time, it became a pleasant necessity. It is a healthy beverage if done right, and brings many, many people together.


In September, I had a thought to roast my own coffee, however, was taken aback on making it a business. Several things conspired against this idea: first, I didn't know anything about how to make coffee. Second, at my age, which seemed a little late to start a business (In hindsight, this is a silly perception!). Then third, I needed help from other people to start this project in my life.

I gathered my four children and proposed the idea by presenting them with a draft of a business plan with my initial research of what to do, how much money was required to invest, and the time I estimated for that project to be successful. By the way, when the Café project reaches success, I am aiming to reach my second and definitive retirement, but what is better to think that 224 Coffee would be left to my children and my grandchildren. This is true definition of today, tomorrow, forever.

The Plan

The Birth of 224

Suddenly, 224 Coffee was born. It happened that quickly. The plan down the road has changed several times, as well as the initial investment, which is no surprise to an entrepreneur. The obstacles and difficulties were many, but they did not bend us. We learned a universe of things from terms to procedures, guidelines, and activities in the art of roasting. We dedicated tireless hours of study and practice, including the task of learning to roast coffee in a machine, which in the end is very similar to "cooking”, which I also enjoy. These come as forms as art to me and they allow me to express myself freely. I enjoy when people like my cooking, and I definitely enjoy when people like my coffee as well. It is singlehandedly the best compliment that puts a smile on my face.

I have always tried to be someone dedicated to the work I am in and to its craft, delivering optimal results with the best quality, and that is precisely what I have transferred to this coffee business. It exemplifies everything I have worked for and believed in my lifetime. Organic, sustainable, and with the greatest possible honesty to bring our customers a product that they enjoy with the same intensity and pleasure as me. It is a reminder of how much I enjoy sharing my craft and expertise with many others. I enjoy bringing people together. Today, tomorrow, forever.


Thank you for listening if you made it this far,  if you'd like to try one of my roasts, check out what I have to offer in the shop. 

What I Offer

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